Sunday 5 April 2009

feeding laughing ducks

We had the most fun I've had in so very long last Tuesday with a bunch of old friends getting together and laughing all evening - I highly recommend it. Though my cheeks were sore for the next couple of days from all the laughing and smiling.

On Friday it was an absolutely gorgeously sunny day and we seemed to be making a collection of stale bread and crusts so we went to feed the ducks. It was a fun adventure with Miss S fascinated by the ducks crowding around demanding food.

After we'd run out of bread we wandered over to the paddling pool...

...where we dipped Miss S's feet in, before heading back to the car and home.

It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon as a family - sunshine and fun all round.


Marilyn said...

Oh, how sweet! What a wonderful way to spend a beautiful afternoon:)

bumblebird said...

look at those sweet baby toes!
have a great day!

Saskia said...

friends and familie.... we need them, we love them!!
